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本文摘要:Japan’s biggest trading company and Asia’s richest man have teamed up in an $800m aircraft leasing joint venture, betting that cheap debt and strong demand from low-cost carriers will sustain a multiyear boom.日本仅次于贸易公司三菱(Mitsubishi Corp)与亚洲首富李嘉诚将合力创立一家规模为8亿美元的合资飞机出租公司。

Japan’s biggest trading company and Asia’s richest man have teamed up in an $800m aircraft leasing joint venture, betting that cheap debt and strong demand from low-cost carriers will sustain a multiyear boom.日本仅次于贸易公司三菱(Mitsubishi Corp)与亚洲首富李嘉诚将合力创立一家规模为8亿美元的合资飞机出租公司。他们指出,廉价贷款和来自低成本运营商的强劲市场需求将沿袭飞机出租热。

Mitsubishi Corp will get the venture started by selling it 15 of the 79 planes owned by its aviation finance unit, MC Aviation Partners. MCAP, which is wholly-owned by Mitsubishi, will contribute 40 per cent of the venture’s equity, with the remainder coming from Cheung Kong Holdings, the main investment vehicle of Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong-based billionaire.三菱将首先把旗下航空金融部门MCAP(MC Aviation Partners)享有的79架飞机中的15架购入该合资公司。MCAP由三菱全资所有,将为合资公司贡献40%的股本,只剩的将来自李嘉诚旗下主要投资机构长江实业(Cheung Kong Holdings)。

The planes – new, narrow-body aircraft from Airbus and Boeing – have a combined appraisal value of about $800m, according to MCAP. Assuming that banks provide loans of between 60 per cent and 80 per cent of that value, the partners will contribute equity of $160m to $320m.MCAP称之为,这些飞机的评估价值总计大约8亿美元,为空客( Airbus)和波音(Boeing)生产的窄体新飞机。假设新的公司能取得相等于这一评估价值60%至80%的银行贷款,两家公司还将出资1.60亿美元至3.20亿美元。Within a few years, the aim was to build the venture’s assets to about $5bn, said Hiroshi Nakanishi, general manager of Mitsubishi’s aviation business department. He noted that demand from budget airlines was expected to push the share of leased planes within the global fleet to about half in five to ten years, from 40 per cent now.三菱航空业务部门总经理Hiroshi Nakanishi回应,新的公司的目标是几年内将资产不断扩大到50亿美元左右。他预计,廉价航空公司的市场需求将在5到10年内,将出租飞机占到全球飞机总数的比例从现在的40%引升到一半左右。

“Depending on discussions with Cheung Kong, more planes could be transferred,” Mr Nakanishi said. “But we need to source new planes from the market.”“根据与长江实业的谈判,可能会有更加多飞机移往到新的公司,”Hiroshi Nakanishi回应,“但我们必须从市场订购新的飞机。”Mr Li is known for his preference for infrastructure in countries with stable regulatory and common law systems. In August, Cheung Kong said it was in talks to buy a $5bn fleet of 100 aircraft put up for sale by Awas, a European lessor owned by Terra Firma, the private equity group.李嘉诚多年来仍然偏向于在具有平稳监管和普通法体系的国家投资于当地基础设施。今年8月,长江实业曾回应,于是以就以50亿美元售予欧洲出租公司Awas拍卖会的100架飞机进行谈判。

Awas由私人股本集团Terra Firma所有。

