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本文摘要:Microsofts secret weapons to get back to the top of the tech mountain: machine learning and artificial intelligence, some of the companys top RD brains said Monday. 微软公司(Microsoft)的一些高层研发人员周一回应,微软公司享有一些能让该公司重回科技高峰顶端的秘密武器:机器学习和人工智能。

Microsofts secret weapons to get back to the top of the tech mountain: machine learning and artificial intelligence, some of the companys top RD brains said Monday. 微软公司(Microsoft)的一些高层研发人员周一回应,微软公司享有一些能让该公司重回科技高峰顶端的秘密武器:机器学习和人工智能。Harry Shum, head of technology and research at Microsoft, said the big trends that his team is working on involves how a person interacts with a computer. We are now moving from the personal computer to personal computing, he said at Microsofts Think Next 2014 conference in Tel Aviv. 微软公司技术和研究负责人Harry Shum称之为,他的团队正在研发的一些大趋势牵涉到人与电脑如何对话。

他在微软公司于特拉维夫举办的Think Next 2014会议上回应,目前微软公司于是以从个人电脑向个人运算改变。Microsoft is investing heavily in invisible user interface technology, said Yoram Yaakobi, who heads up Microsofts research and development center in Israel. Yaakobi said people in the future wont need to touch, type or speak to their devices -- the devices will know what we want them to do before we ask. He called it UI.Next. 微软公司以色列研发中心负责人Yoram Yaakobi称之为,微软公司对“无形用户界面”技术展开了极大投资。Yaakobi回应,未来人们将需要通过触碰、点字或是说出的方式运营自己的设备,设备在用户发出请求之前就“告诉”用户想要让它们干什么。

他把这种技术称作“UI.Next”。User interface started with the command prompt, moved to graphics, then touch, and then gestures, Yaakobi said. Its now moving to invisible UI, where there is nothing to operate. The tech around you understands you and what you want to do -- and thats what people expect, he said. Were putting this at the forefront of our efforts. Yaakobi称之为,用户界面一开始是命令提示符,后来变为图形界面,然后是触碰界面,在接下来是手势界面,现在开始向无形用户界面改变了,在这种界面下用户将没什么可以操作者。周围的技术不会理解用户以及用户想做到什么,这也正是人们所期望的。

他回应,微软公司于是以把这种技术的研发当成其首要任务。Cortana, the virtual personal assistant Microsoft announced last week, is part of the companys push into machine learning, Yaakobi and Shum said. Microsoft has positioned Cortana as a challenger to Apples Siri and Google Now. Yaakobi和Shum回应,微软公司上周公布的虚拟世界个人助理Cortana是该公司大力发展机器学习措施的一部分。

微软公司对Cortana的定位是,这是一款挑战苹果(Apple)的Siri和Google Now的产品。Microsoft is pretty high on Cortana. Jeannette Wing, a vice president for research and one of Microsofts experts in computational thinking (read: machine learning) , said interacting with Cortana is more like a conversation than a response to a question. 微软公司对Cortana的希望十分低。Jeannette Wing是主管研发的副总裁,也是微软公司在“计算出来思维”(也就是机器学习)方面的专家之一,她回应,与Cortana对话更加看起来一次谈话,而不是对某一个问题作出问。

I speak to Cortana, Cortana responds. I speak back to it, and it understands that were still in the same conversation. It knows from the first sentence I said what Im referring to, she said at the conference. That seems like such a small thing for human beings, but its huge. Wing在Think Next 2014会议上回应,她跟Cortana说出,Cortana作出问,她再行跟它说出,Cortana就告诉双方依然在展开同一次谈话。Wing称之为,Cortana从她说道的第一个句子就告诉她所指的是什么。她还回应,对人类而言,这或许是较小的一件事,但它的意义十分根本性。

Most major technology companies in the world are looking into machine learning, she said, and Microsoft is making major strides. We were in an AI winter, and now were in an AI spring, Wing said. Wing称之为,世界上大多数大型科技公司都在研究机器学习,微软公司正在这方面获得突飞猛进的变革。Wing回应,微软公司过去正处于AI(人工智能)的冬天,现在则正处于AI的春天。

