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本文摘要:Researchers have developed a method to activate electronic implants in the body and eliminate bacterial infections using a wireless signal。

Researchers have developed a method to activate electronic implants in the body and eliminate bacterial infections using a wireless signal。研究者早已研发了一种运用无线信号转录人体中电子植入物来避免细菌感染的方法。

When triggered by remote technology, the gadget delivers heat to infected tissue。当通过远程技术启动时时,那个小装置就向被病毒感染的的组织传送热量。And it could lead to technologies that enable drugs and treatment to be delivered to patients at the press of a button。

一旦按下按钮,它就需要通向确保药物和化疗传送给病人的技术。The technology was developed by researchers at Tufts University in Massachusetts and the University of Illinois。这种技术是由美国马萨诸塞州的塔夫茨大学和伊利诺斯大学的研究者研发的。

Mice were given electronic implants that, when a signal was sent, heated up to treat tissue that was infected with staphylococcus, or staph, which can cause minor skin abscesses or life-threatening infections of the blood。当信号收到,小白鼠体内的电子植入物就通过冷却来化疗被葡萄球菌病毒感染的的组织,这种被病毒感染的的组织可能会引起严重的皮肤脓肿或者威胁生命的血液病毒感染。Tissues collected from the mice 24 hours after treatment showed no sign of the infection, while the device dissolved in 15 days, proving it can not only treat infections but also be disposed of easily。在化疗之后24小时内从小白鼠身上搜集到的的组织早已没病毒感染的迹象了。

这个装置在15天内自动水解,这也证明它不仅需要化疗病毒感染,同时也是很更容易处置的。The research, which also eliminated E. coli bacteria, was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences。这个同时也避免了大肠杆菌的研究被公开发表在美国国家科学院的会刊上。

Each device, made of silk and magnesium, harmlessly dissolved in the animals after the tests。每个设备都是由丝和镁做成,在实验完结后不会自动水解,对动物的身体没损害。

The heating device in the implants has a resistor and power-receiving coil made of magnesium, and the magnesium is wrapped in packet of silk, keeping it safe and controlling its dissolution time。植入物中的冷却设备有一个电阻器和一个电力接管线圈,线圈是由镁做成的,而镁的外表又包覆了一层丝,这样既保证了安全性又掌控了其水解的时间。The ability of the device to dissolve is important, as it means such implants would not need to be removed。

这个装置的自动水解能力是十分最重要的,因为这意味著这种植入物会再行必须另外去除。Implantable medical devices normally use non-degradable materials that have limited operational lifetimes and must eventually be removed or replaced。

植入式医疗设备一般来说用于的都是不能水解的材料,它们的的使用寿命受限,而且最后必需去除或者重置。But these new wireless therapy devices can handle the surgical process, and can then dissolve in minutes or weeks, depending on the time needed。但是这些新式的无线化疗设备可以处置手术过程,而且需要根据市场需求时间在几分钟或者几周内自动水解。

This is an important demonstration step forward for the development of on-demand medical devices that can be turned on remotely to perform a therapeutic function in a patient and then safely disappear after their use, requiring no retrieval, said senior author Fiorenzo Omenetto, professor of biomedical engineering at Tufts School of Engineering。资深作家菲奥伦佐-澳门纳——塔夫茨大学工程学院生物医学工程的教授说:“对于市场需求式医疗设备的发展,这是最重要的一步进展。市场需求式医疗设备需要在病人身上远程操作者化疗功能,而且化疗已完成后需要安全性水解,不必须再行放入来。

”These wireless strategies could help manage post-surgical infection, for example, or pave the way for eventual Wi-Fi drug delivery.“比如,这些无线战略可有助处置术后病毒感染或者为最后的无线药物传输铺平道路”。

