

腾讯为QQ提示音注册商标 两次遭拒后正式上诉:kaiyun·官方网站下载

2024-02-28 kaiyun·官方网站下载 kaiyun·官方网站下载(中国)官方网站

本文摘要:Chinas Internet giant Tencent has sued the countrys Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) after its application to trademark QQs beeping sound was rejected by the latter.在中国互联网巨头腾讯申请人将QQ的提示音登记为商标遭拒之后,该公司将国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会告上了法庭。

Chinas Internet giant Tencent has sued the countrys Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) after its application to trademark QQs beeping sound was rejected by the latter.在中国互联网巨头腾讯申请人将QQ的提示音登记为商标遭拒之后,该公司将国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会告上了法庭。Tencent QQ, one of the most popular instant messaging software services in China, applied to register the signature Di-Di-Di-Di-Di-Di notification sound as its trademark in 2014, which is permitted by Chinas Trademark Law as long as the sound can be easily distinguished.《商标法》规定,只要声音具备辨识度就可以登记。

作为中国最热门的即时通讯应用于之一,腾讯QQ早在2014年就明确提出将滴滴滴滴滴滴提醒声作为声音商标。Tencents application was later turned down by TRAB, with the explanation that the sound was simple and not creative, lacking in any distinctive traits.但腾讯公司的申请人最后被商标评审委员会上诉,原因是它非常简单,缺少显著性。We have checked many sound trademarks approved by other nations, including the famous lion roar of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Most sound trademarks last less than five seconds and are quite simple. By TRABs standards, they also could not be registered as trademarks, said Huang Yibiao, a lawyer for Tencent, during the court hearing on Dec. 6.在12月6日的庭审上,腾讯公司代理律师黄义彪讲解:我们坎了外国的许多声音商标,还包括知名的美高梅公司的狮吼,这些商标一般来说基本没多达5秒的,也都很非常简单。

如果按照商标委的标准,这些声音都无法被登记。According to Huang, due to QQs popularity in China, the public has already connected the beeping sound with QQs services, which means it does possess distinctiveness.朱律师回应,由于QQ在中国的普及度,用户听见这个声音后就能必要对应QQ即时通讯服务,这意味著它的确不具备辨识度。TRAB, on the other hand, holds a different opinion. It reiterated that Tencents notification sound is merely a repetition of notes, which is not distinctive at all.然而,商标评审委员会却所持有所不同观点。

商评委特别强调,腾讯QQ提示音只是非常简单的音节反复,缺少明显特色。According to TRAB, the board is very careful about approvals of sound trademarks, with few successful cases so far. The court will release its final verdict at a later date.该部门还称之为,声音商标注册的审查工作是非常慎重的,至今以求通过的都较为较少,并回应不会在晚些时候得出最后判决。Tencents accusation has stirred up online debate, with some netizens supporting the companys appeal and others calling it a joke.腾讯的这一裁决引发了网友们的热议。

一些网友反对此商标申请人,也有人指出这是一个笑料。I have been using QQ my whole life. Though the sound is quite simple, it always reminds me of QQ services when I hear it. I think the board should agree to make it QQs trademark, one netizen wrote.某网友说道,我仍然都在用于QQ。

尽管这个声音很非常简单,但当我听见它,显然就不会立刻意识到是QQ的消息提醒。我指出商标委应该通过这个声音商标。Not everyone agreed, however. The beeping is QQs online notification sound. Do you know that its offline notification sound is actually human coughing? Would we be banned from coughing if the board approved QQs appeal? That would be hilarious, another netizen wrote不过,并非所有人都这么指出。


