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本文摘要:Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter on Monday announced they had joined forces in an attempt to curb explicit terrorist imagery online.Facebook、谷歌(Google)、微软公司(Microsoft)和Twitter周一宣告,它们已合力希望遏止网上具有显著恐怖主义色彩的图像。

Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter on Monday announced they had joined forces in an attempt to curb explicit terrorist imagery online.Facebook、谷歌(Google)、微软公司(Microsoft)和Twitter周一宣告,它们已合力希望遏止网上具有显著恐怖主义色彩的图像。The move follows criticism from Brussels that big US social media groups have made insufficient effort to clamp down on hate speech.此前,欧盟曾抨击美国几大社交媒体公司在遏止仇恨言论方面过于希望。In a statement, the technology groups said they were building new technology that would identify extremist content, including terrorist recruitment videos and images of executions, via a digital fingerprint known as a “hash”, which would then be compiled into a shared global database. Once created, the hash would be attached like a watermark to content, which would then be easy to identify and take down.这些科技公司在一份声明中回应,它们正在打造出新技术,通过一种取名为“散列”(hash)的数字指纹来辨识极端主义内容,还包括恐怖分子召募视频和处死图片,这些数字指纹将被汇聚至一个分享的全球数据库。

散列日后创立,将像水印一样吸附在内容上,令其这些内容更容易被辨识和移除。“Our companies will begin sharing hashes of the most extreme and egregious terrorist images and videos we have removed from our services,” the companies said. “By sharing this information with each other, we may use the shared hashes to help identify potential terrorist content on our respective hosted consumer platforms.”这些公司称之为:“我们将开始分享已从我们的服务中移除的那些最极端、最恶劣的恐怖主义图片和视频的散列。通过彼此共享这一信息,我们可以利用分享的散列来协助辨识我们各自的托管地消费者平台上的潜在恐怖主义内容。

”The project will be presented at the EU Internet Forum on Thursday, with the database launching in early 2017.该计划将于周四在欧盟互联网论坛(EU Internet Forum)上发布,涉及数据库将于2017年初发售。Facebook and Twitter insist the new hash database will not act as a generalised censorship tool but instead assist human users in flagging the most egregious content.Facebook和Twitter否认,新的散列数据库会被用于泛泛的审查工具,而是用来协助人类用户标识最恶劣的内容。

