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本文摘要:Chinas first domestically produced single-aisle passenger jet, the C919, is expected to take to the sky for its maiden flight on Friday, as the country endeavors to meet soaring domestic travel demand and break the global market duopoly of Boeing Co and Airbus Group SE.在国内旅游市场需求大大下降急需符合,以及波音公司和空中客车集团独占全球航空市场的环境下,中国首架自律生产的单通道喷气式飞机C919预计在本周五展开试飞。

Chinas first domestically produced single-aisle passenger jet, the C919, is expected to take to the sky for its maiden flight on Friday, as the country endeavors to meet soaring domestic travel demand and break the global market duopoly of Boeing Co and Airbus Group SE.在国内旅游市场需求大大下降急需符合,以及波音公司和空中客车集团独占全球航空市场的环境下,中国首架自律生产的单通道喷气式飞机C919预计在本周五展开试飞。The debut flight is set to take place at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, subject to weather conditions, the C919s Shanghai-based manufacturer, Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, said on Wednesday.中国商飞公司(C919飞机制造商,总部坐落于上海)周三称之为,飞机试飞地点订于上海浦东国际机场,但不回避不受天气条件影响延后。Soon after it was established in 2008, COMAC began the research to develop the twin-engine C919, which would be used for medium-haul flights with 158 to 174 seats. It is expected to compete with the updated Airbus A320 and the new-generation Boeing B737.中国商飞公司于2008年正式成立,之后旋即,就开始著手研发双引擎C919飞机,以期为配有158-174个座位的中程航班服务。研发人员期望C919需要与空中客车集团新型A320飞机和波音公司新一代B737飞机构成竞争。

China has its own military and regional aircraft manufacturers, and the development of the airplane serves as a key index to assess the countrys industrial and technical manufacturing capacity.中国早已享有了自己的军用飞机和支线飞机制造商,此架飞机的研发沦为取决于中国产业和技术生产水平的一个最重要指标。The first flight of the C919 signals that China will be able to make a significant breakthrough for the countrys civil aircraft manufacturing industry, and it could have the opportunity to break the monopolies of Boeing and Airbus, said Lin Zhijie, an aviation industry analyst and columnist at Carnoc.com, a large Chinese civil aviation website.航空业分析家、民航资源网(国内大型民航类网站)专栏作家林智杰说道:“C919飞机的试飞是一个信号,这意味著中国将在国产民用飞机制造业构建最重要突破,中国将有机会超越波音公司和空中客车集团的独占。

”Despite the promising future, Lin said the C919s entry to the market wont occur soon. The date it goes into operation is expected to be between 2020 and 2022.尽管前景辽阔,但林智杰指出C919会迅速转入市场,预计投放运营的时间应当在2020年到2022年之间。So far, COMAC has received 570 orders for the C919 from 23 clients, including domestic airlines such as the State-owned Air China, China Southern and China Eastern; and private airlines Hainan Airlines and Sichuan Airlines. China Eastern will be the first to take delivery.截至目前,中国商飞C919早已收到了来自23家客户的共570架订单,其中还包括一些国内航空公司,比如中航、南航以及东航等国企,以及海航、川航等私企。商飞公司将首先向中国东航交付给飞机。Overseas orders account for about 10 percent of the total, including airlines from Germany and Thailand and others from the Asia Pacific region and Africa.海外订单约占有了总订单的10%,其中有来自德国、泰国、亚太地区和非洲的航空公司。

Boeing earlier predicts that China will need 5,110 new single-aisle airplanes through 2035, accounting for 75 percent of the total delivery for China from global aircraft manufacturers.波音先前预计,中国到2035年将新的需5110架单通道飞机,占到中国对国际飞机制造商总需求的75%。While the program has faced its share of challenges-like any development program of this size-the results speak for themselves, said Steven Lien, president of Honeywell Aerospace Asia Pacific, one of the C919s suppliers.霍尼韦尔航空航天集团亚太区总裁史蒂文?利恩说道,“就像其他同规模的研发项目一样,C919也面对着自己的挑战,但是结果不会解释一切。

”该集团是C919供应商之一。The C919 is a sleek, modern and efficient airplane. It is ready to compete on a global scale, heralding Chinas ambitious plans to grow and develop its domestic air transportation industry with the help of international partners.“C919飞机造型典雅时尚,乘客配备量低,几乎有实力在世界范围与输掉竞争。这指出了中国计划在国际合作伙伴的协助下培育发展国产航空运输产业的雄心。

”COMAC said last week it has started the research to develop a widebody commercial jet with Russia for delivery within 10 years.中国商飞公司在上周称之为,他们早已在和俄罗斯合作,联合研发公务机商业飞机,预计10年内投产。

